about the online shopping expert

THE ONLINE SHOPPING EXPERT’S mission is to to assist you in finding excellent products and useful advice, through independently researched articles, so that you can shop with confidence and get things right the first time around. Each year, we independently test and review thousands of products to help you find just what you need and where we can, offer you a voucher code or discount code to use when making a purchase. Our goal is to save you time and money, and eliminate the stress of shopping, whether you’re looking for everyday gear or gifts for loved ones.

Our reviews


Our goal is to become the most reliable product recommendation platform, and we operate with complete editorial independence. We only publish recommendations after our writers and editors have vigorous reported and thoroughly tested the product and determined it to be the best.

Our reviews involve extensive research spanning several weeks or even months, drawing on our vast experience in the field. We don't solely rely on our own expertise but also gather insights from top sources such as engineers, scientists, designers, and a broad range of subject-matter experts and champions. Additionally, we meticulously analyse customer reviews to understand what truly matters to people who already own and use the products we're evaluating. Our aim is to recommend high-quality products that are worth their price, without pushing unnecessary features that are often present in overpriced, top-of-the-line models.

about our product review and online shopping guides platform - an about us page THE ONLINE SHOPPING EXPERT WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO

We earn money through various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may receive commissions when readers purchase products through the retailer links we provide. However, we base our product recommendations on independent research, analysis, interviews, and testing, and we have no incentive to recommend inferior products or respond to pressure from manufacturers. In fact, it's quite the opposite—we aim to provide the best possible recommendations for our readers. If a reader returns a product due to dissatisfaction or because our recommendation was poor, we don't earn any affiliate commission. We believe this is a fair system that keeps us committed to serving our readers' interests. Additionally, our editorial and product testing standards always drive the decisions we make regarding the products we feature on our site, without any influence from affiliate deals or advertising relationships.

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