Kindr's Latest Voucher Codes & Discounts

Unlock exclusive savings with Kindr's latest voucher codes and discounts. Discover deals that bring kindness to your wallet.

Exclusive Kindr voucher codes

kindr Biodegradable Sensitive Baby Wipes

Introducing Kindr gentle and biodegradable baby wipes, an ideal choice for keeping your baby clean and cosy. Crafted from plant-based fibers, these wipes are not only eco-friendly but also biodegradable, containing 99% pure water for a softness akin to cotton wool and water.

Enjoy 20% off when using this exclusive voucher code: EXPERT20

Each pack contains 60 soft and thick wipes, and for extended use, consider using the Kindr wipe dispenser.


Exclusive Kindr voucher codes

kindr Everyday Sanitiser Spray

Introducing Kindr Everyday Sanitiser Spray – your trusted companion in the ongoing battle against germs, designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily life. This innovative and refillable sanitiser spray is your steadfast guardian, ensuring your safety wherever you venture. Its sleek, credit-card style design fits snugly in your pocket, always within arm's reach for those critical moments.

Enjoy 20% off when using this exclusive voucher code: EXPERT20




Exclusive Kindr voucher code

kindr Family Sanitising Gift Set

This family bundle stands as the ultimate sanitising gift collection. Comprising three 50ml foaming sanitisers and a 500ml liquid refill pouch, it offers comprehensive protection for your entire family, wherever they venture.

Enjoy 20% off when using this exclusive voucher code: EXPERT20

Give the gift of clean hands with confidence, knowing you've chosen a solution that's both gentle on the skin and tough on pathogens. It's the perfect way to ensure your family's well-being in style.


about The Kindr Company

Kindr mission is simple yet profound: to provide products that are not only exceptionally gentle on your skin but also exceptionally kind to our planet. Kindr proudly wears it’s unique spelling, ‘Kind’, as a badge of honor, signifying the commitment to going beyond the ordinary to make the world a better place.

  • Kindness is at the core of everything at Kindr. All products are meticulously crafted to be cruelty-free and vegan, aligning with Kindr deep respect for all living beings. Kindr also prioritises environmental responsibility by making it’s packaging recyclable, offering reusable options, and championing refillability to minimise waste.

  • Kindr is a proud UK-owned and operated business, rooted in the heart of Yorkshire.

    Kindr journey began with a Yorkshire mother, Kate Thompson, who was determined to find a better solution to sanitisers during the pandemic. Her inspiration came from her daughter's sensitive skin and a genuine concern for the toxic, alcohol-based sanitisers dominating the market.

    Kate knew she wasn't alone in her quest for something different—something that wouldn't strip the skin of moisture, something safe for children, scentless to avoid altering mealtime experiences, and, most importantly, environmentally conscious.

    With the help of brilliant UK chemical engineers, Kate's vision took shape. Kindr sanitisers meet the gold standard of hand sanitisers, BS EN 1500 compliant. They boast an impressive 99.999% effectiveness against germs and bacteria. Independent testing revealed that Kindr sanitisers not only protect but also rehydrate and soothe all skin types, even those prone to eczema and sensitivity.